Upcoming Local and National Green Party Events
Virtual General Meeting of the Green Party of Canada, Nov 26, 2021
The Virtual General Meeting of the Green Party of Canada is scheduled to take place on November 26, 2021 – details of this event will be added as soon as they are available.
Green Party of Canada Leadership Review, Oct 26-Nov 25, 2021
A Leadership Review is scheduled to take place this fall. Online voting will open on October 26 and close on November 25. Members who have been members-in-good-standing for 30 days prior to the opening of the voting period will be eligible to cast a vote. Lapsed members are able to renew their membership on the day prior to the opening of the vote.
The result of the vote will not be announced at the VGM as there is a one week requirement to count the mail-in ballots. The result will be announced on December 02, 2021, and depending on the result of the vote, a leadership contest may commence within 6 months. Further details will be forthcoming as they are available.
Past Events
Lunch with the Prairie Greens
A wonderful social gathering was held on a beautiful fall day. It was a great pleasure and honour to host two very active Green Party of Canada Members, Naomi Hunter, the leader of the Saskatchewan Green Party, and a past Federal GPC Candidate, and Evelyn Tanaka, deputy leader of the Alberta Green Party, and a past Federal GPC Candidate. We learned and laughed a lot and made new friends all around!
Cowichan-Malahat-Langford EDA newsletters
Sept 23, 2021
Hello Cowichan-Malahat-Langford Green Party Members and Supporters; I want first to notify you of a Special Federal Council meeting, TODAY, Sept 24 6pmET/3pm PT
This is an important meeting where federal council is expected to begin the conversation around the constitutionally required leadership review, which must happen within 6 months of every election. Should you receive this email on time to register to attend this meeting as an observer, please use the registration information and Zoom Link provided. One of our EDA members will be attending this meeting and we will bring a recap to you in our next email.
Members in good standing are invited to attend the meeting as observers. Please follow this link to register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iLkEZffiSeqx0YDijqYQsw”
Campaign Update:
Our candidate, Lia Versaevel, was declared shortly after the writ was dropped and had only 25 days to campaign. Much was required of her in that time. She spoke well and strongly at several all-candidates debates, gave numerous press interviews, called hundreds of voters, found and moved into a campaign office, placed many signs, attended several sign waves, and drew attention to many issues that the incumbent neglected, such as Fairy Creek Blockades. With 6.6% of the popular vote, there is much to celebrate, as it has not been an easy year for Greens across Canada and we here in CML continue to hold a strong base of support.
To all the volunteers involved, THANK YOU! It could not have been done without you.
Campaign Debrief – Date TBA:
We will be in touch shortly with a date and time for a wrap-up event to de-brief at which we will also begin to strategize for the next election. This is an important step to ensure that valuable campaign lessons are not lost. We will be inviting your participation in this event.
EDA Update:
After many dedicated years, Kim Hughes has made the decision to resign as our EDA CEO, but not before securing myself, Cammy Lockwood, as her replacement! So, until our 2022 AGM, when I will (hopefully) be officially voted in by the members, I will be your Acting CEO. Paul Chorney, our Financial Agent has also resigned and Kim will remain on the Executive, taking the role of Acting Financial Officer, and helping with my transition into the CEO position. Thank you, Kim!
And now, I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself: I am Cammy Lockwood and I have lived in the Cowichan Valley my whole life. I studied History and Liberal Studies and graduated from VIU in 2008. I now have three children, 7, 8, and 9 years old, with one of them internationally/transracially adopted, a dog, 5 acres, several cats, a wonderfully supportive husband, 5 pigs, 2 acres of market garden vegetables, a CFIA certified egg grading station, 10 employees, 142 solar panels, and 6000 laying hens. I am a farmer, alongside my husband James, we own and operate Lockwood Farms and our growing brand EcoEgg. I don’t shy away from responsibilities or challenges. If there is one thing you need to know, it’s that my children, my family, and my farm drive my passion for climate action and social justice.
My goal in working with the EDA is to build membership and supporter capacity locally and send a successful Green Candidate as an MP to represent our CML community in Ottawa!
Cammy Lockwood, Acting CEO
Electoral District Association
I love where I live. I am rooted in the traditional territories of the Hul’q’umi’num speaking people.
Huy ch q’a
July 08, 2021
- July 2021 Newsletter - Cowichan-Malahat-Langford Green Party of Canada Members Newsletter - July 10, 2021 We seek to walk in gratitude and humility.… … Continue reading July 2021 Newsletter